Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Quantum Physics yang memeranjatkan!

hoho, kali ni penulis ingin mengeluarkan satu fakta penting buat semua yang sudi membaca.
Penulis sebenarnya sudah lama mengkaji dan berminat tentang perkara ni. Mungkin kamu semua pernah dengar tentang teori quantum physic ni. Penulis mula-mula macam x percaya, sebab teori ni mmg agak memeningkan. Tapi kamu semua pasti terperanjat jika benar-benar memahaminya.

Teori ni mengatakan bahawa:

· Particles being in more than one place at once (a recent experiment found that one particle could be in up to 3,000 places!)

· The same “object” may appear to be a particle (locatable in a single place), or a wave, spread out over space and time.

· Subatomic particles seem to travel instantaneously over any expanse of space (even though Einstein said that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light)

· In classical physics you could determine with certainty where it would go, given any set of conditions. But in quantum physics, you can never know with absolute certainty how a specific thing will turn out (deals with probabilities).

1. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

· The process of observing appears to influence what is being observed

· The observer is necessary to observe and when they observe they bring the thing that is being observed from a state/wave of probability to a particle of experience

· In order for physicists to comprehend the data, they need to focus on the observer, rather than the data

· Subatomic particles do not have properties separate from our minds

· The act of measurement is creating that very reality it is measuring

· Every human being has the ability to observe and change subatomic reality

· It’s not only that you cannot measure something without influencing “it”, it is only something until it is being observed.

2. Principle of Wave-Particle Duality

· Subatomic particles appear to have a dual nature. Depending upon how we look at them, they can be a particle or a wave.

· A particle is a solid object with a specific location in space and time. A wave, on the other hand, is not a solid or localized. Instead, a wave is spread out, like a wave in water.

· When you are not observing or measuring electrons or photons (particles of light) act as waves. They have no precise location, but exist as “probability fields”. But, when you are observing or measuring, they become a particle. When you take these actions, the probability field “collapses” into a solid object locatable in a specific place and time.

3. Quantum Jump

· When an electron moves from orbit to orbit around the nucleus, they don’t move through space the way we would think, instead they move instantaneously

· They disappear from one place, one orbit, and appear in another

· Scientists also discovered that they could not determine exactly where the electrons would appear, or when they would jump. The best they can do is formulate the probabilities through Schrödinger’s wave equation.

4. Parallel Universes

· Quantum Physics speculates the possibility of a parallel universe, or even three to four. A few scientists even speculate an infinite number of parallel universes.

· A parallel universe is basically a duplicate copy, but slightly different universe from this one

· One theory is that there is a mirror universe and when you make a decision in this universe, an alternate `you' in the other universe makes the opposite decision

· In each of these universes you, I, and all others who live, have lived, and will live are alive

· We are composed of a large number of selves, scattered throughout these infinite parallel realities.

Fahamkah kamu x apa yang ingin dimaksudkan dengan teori2 di atas tu?Kalau kamu benar-benar faham. Sebenarnya apa yang ada di dunia ini sebenarnya bukan seperti apa yang kita fikirkan. Dalam erti kata lain, tiada langsung jisim, kosong. Dan dalam ideologi yang dikeluarkan oleh Harun Yahya yang menyokong teori quantum fizik juga, hidup di dunia ini sebenarnya hanya satu ilusi. SATU ILUSI! atau satu permainan ataupun satu penipuan. Namun dengan kekuasaan Allah SWT, setiap penciptaannya menjadi benar-benar realiti, dan hidup.

Beliau mengatakan bahawa manusia sebenarnya hanya berinteraksi dengan elektron-elektron. Jika otak manusia disalurkan dengan elektron-elektron yang sama, maka akan wujudlah satu ilusi dalam mindanya. Hal ini telah pun dibuktikan oleh para saintis. Nah! Dalam ayat Al-Quran sendiri telah ditegaskan bahawa hidup di dunia ini satu permainan. Satu ujian bagi setiap manusia..
Sebab itulah wang ringgit, harta benda, anak-pinak, kenderaan dan lain2 semuanya itu adalah ujian semata-mata. Maka, sedarlah bahawa hidup ini benar-benar satu kesempatan bagi setiap manusia untik beramal ibadat, kerana hidup ini terlalu singkat!

Penulis sebenarnya tidak ingin mengupas panjang, tetapi terbuktilah bahawa dengan kajian saintifik sekalipun mampu menjelaskan hakikat kehidupan yang sebenar. Mereka, iaitu ahli-ahli saintis mungkin menghabiskan berpuluh tahun mengkaji kejadian alam, tapi, yang lebih penting dengan penemuan tersebut, kita haruslah memikirkan sedalam-dalamnya..


Anonymous said...

teori quantum physics tu cam konpius2 sket la..ayat2 dia 'up' sangat utk medickal student la..[dak yg tak amik fizik cam aku ni!]huhuhu~

tapi yang dah diterangkan tu, faham la..pastu terpegun sat..[speechless]

esp part yang ayat al-qur'an tu;

"hidup di dunia ini satu permainan"

memang benar lah setap kata2 dan janjiNYA!!masyaAllah...

Amin Rukaini Mustafa said...

@ Al ikhsan, aku sebenarnya pun kurang faham, tapi the idea is the same la.. life is different from what we think.. it is an illusion..

sama2 mengingati akan tipuan dunia..