Hurm.. Yeah, it is my choice.
Like i always here from any tazkirah or reminder to muslims that in life we have to make decisions. And the decision-making is a core of life. Even if we want to eat a chicken, we would choose part of the chicken that we like. That's for eating only not include other things indeed.
So direct to the point, i made several important decisions during this couple of month. But the most highlighted one i chose two university, one is for firm and another one is for insurance. The firm i decided- University of Edinburgh and insurance goes for New Castle University.
Hurm i think that's all for now. Just to let everyone knows and keep praying for me. Another big big big decision will be told later. See you! May Allah blesses all of you. Salamualaikum.
erm..bila nak buat big big big decision tu yer? hehe..
haih, Amin, makan, makan, makan...
the choice is yours...
haaa, what's that big big big decision, ah?
hope you make the right choice a~
Amilin anf Syahmi, that big big big decision is something that would make everyone shocked! hehe, insyaAllah, my decision would be the right choice with the bless and permission of Allah. All the prayers goes to Allah.
aku x rasa aku akan shocked amin.. :D
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